2015年4月3日 星期五

Assignment 5: Virtual essay - Life

Life is come from many stories and my life was full of memories. There were many things are valuable to me but everyone value their things differently. Therefore I would like to use photos to introduce the five most valuable things in my life. Each picture has their definition and story behind it. However the picture was taken in Eugene Smith and Sebastiao Salgado Style, which has characteristic of interaction and visible

Since the photo style was in Eugene Smith and Sebastiao Salgado, therefore there were some similarities and differences. All the photos were chosen carefully and most of them were taken with the close distance, moreover they all went through the post production process. All the photos were pretty similar except Figure 4; it was taken when they were not even notice, therefore they did not have any eye contact but it still have some similar part which is the light spotting, emotionally engaged with the people and the contrast colors. At least the most important part of the photo was the stories behind them just like Eugene Smith's photos.

These pictures were the memories of my life; they were purposely captured for reasons. The post production process was done by Photoshop in order to have the light spot on the object I was focused on. The first picture was focused on my grandma and the medical equipment, therefore the post production was using the color contrast to have the main object in the bright part. Second picture was to show my family picture, therefore I used the same method to this picture I altered the light spotting on the people and made the rest in to darker color. Third picture was show the friendship and all the people in the photo were my junior high school friend and we all know each other over ten years therefore I wanted to have the reunion photo, also the gesture was eight and it was our class code therefore I had all the gesture and people on the photo. Fourth picture was taken when my friends was playing Chinese chess, I wanted to have the audiences to see they were thinking and it represent the intelligence therefore the chess and the face and the object were equally important to this picture. At least it was my best friend's weeding, the main target was bride than was the people behind her therefore the bride was in the centre of the brightness than a bit darker on the peoples to point out the importance of the picture.

The first picture was taken three years ago and it was in the morning and my grandma was lying on the hospital bed looking at me. As we can see the equipment my grandma was suffering from cancer, therefore the message is to take care of you own health don’t let someone else worry about you. Second photo was taken on my grandma's birthday and it was the only picture of our whole family, since my brother and I went abroad to study and we did not have chance to take a family picture in ten years. It was the first family picture in ten years and it was so fortuned we can have the whole family to celebrate my grandma's birthday. Therefore I want to tell the audiences the importance of family, family is the only one will always support you. There picture was taken last month and it was the reunion part and all of them had over 10 years friendship, therefore I valued friendship was one of the most important thing in my life and I want to tell everyone to cherish your friendship. Next picture was the thing we want it is intelligence, the message is to tell the audiences use your intelligence to think before you do and do not waste your gift to harm people. Lastly was one of the most important stage in my life, because after attending my best friend's wedding, I realized the importance of soul mate. They got over with all kinds of difficulties to have this wedding therefore by showing this photo I wish everyone can cherished their husband or wife.

By using Eugene Smith and Sebastiao Salgado photo shooting Style to show my pictures to my audience. These five photos represent five of my most important thing in my life, which were Health, Family, Friendship, Intelligence and Marriage. I hope everyone to be thankful if you have all five most valuable gifts in you life.

 Figure 1 Symbol of Health
Figure 2 Symbol of Family
Figure 3 Symbol of friendship
Figure 4 Symbol of Intelligence
Figure 5 Symbol of Marriage

2015年3月14日 星期六

Assignment #2 -Art Photograph Vs Press Photograph

The richness differences between wealthy and poor are getting out of control because rich people are getting richer and poor people are getting worst. Especially those countries in Asia, according to the news top 10% of rich people hold about 87% of money in the world. In the fact poor people has to work much harder than rich people because rich people's parent will carry them through the difficulties, it is totally opposite than the poor.

All these art and press photography are from different news and article but they have many common and differences. However they all lead us to the same topic richness gap, in the sociality there were many people did not have a place to stay or food to eat. Ironically, the government only taking care of the rich people because those people can bring them money. But that is only going to make the hold bigger because it is too hard for those people to close up the gap. Therefore these photos are trying to tell everyone how big the gap is and hope the people can help them. The differences between art photographs and press photograph were art photographs were just stating the fact; on the other hand the press photographs were kind of satirizing the rich people by showing the reality. For example Figure 4 they live so closed to each other and it just a wall to separate them. In general the style and the way to deliver the message are different.

Different photographers have a different way to express their thought and idea, moreover there were many photographers are earning money by altering the photo but the ethically photographer should not altering the photos because once you captured the moment you will never go back to the moment and it will be the truest and believable photo. Concluding press photograph is mainly focus on capturing the truth and the reality to deliver the message.

Art photograph is a way to express their mine and imagination with in a piece of paper. For my opinion art photograph is acceptable to alter because each piece of art is their imagination and thought as long as they don’t change the fact. For example if I erase a person off on right hand side, it will still have the same meaning and it can still deliver the same message but if I change the balance dip to the other side then the meaning will be totally different. That's why I said it is acceptable to change as long as it is not changing the fact or message.

Concluding after comparing the Art photograph and press photograph, they are two different type and style of art but they both can deliver same message with different picture and image. Art photograph is more close to express the thought on the other hand press photograph is capturing the reality to convince their audiences. 

Figure 1

Retrieval from "
Figure 2

Retrieval from " http://addisonsky.pixnet.net/blog/post/96217842-%E8%B2%A7%E5%AF%8C%E5%B7%AE%E8%B7%9D%E6%98%AF%E4%BA%BA%E6%80%A7%E9%80%A0%E6%88%90%E7%9A%84%EF%BC%9F"
Figure 3

Retrieval from "

Figure 4

2015年2月6日 星期五

Assignment #1 Photo Manipulation

Many people likes to shooting photos and many people likes to editing pictures and both ways are a form of creating art. Everyone has their own way to create photo and personally I like to combining pictures together therefore I had attended Photoshop class two years ago. These two pieces of art were created by me and the materials were from my teacher. I choose these two pieces because the thing came to my mine was the news that had been playing for past few day. It was the IS news and the words connected to them was "War." In the War there were many people injured and the house were burned that is why I choose these two pieces of art as my topic.

The first picture was combined by smoke, building and some coloring. First the background picture was my building picture because I want the background layer under every other layer. Therefore I caught off the blue sky because a photo from battlefield should not see much blue sky and it should be fire and smoke. I replaced the sky with smokes and some coloring, moreover the colors I choose to use were red and gray with low opacity because I still want to see the smoke and building rather than just wipe it out. This is how I changed a peaceful city view into a totally opposite nightmare. The message I want to deliver was aware everyone to avoid violence and war.
After all the tragedy, I would like to have some positive energy. This art symbolize growth of technology and health care because many soldiers survived from the war but their lost a part of their body. There are many touching case that soldiers overcame the difficulties by those impassive technologies. The pictures I used in this art were wood, circuit board, foot and marble. First I started with the wood and I hide the part I don’t need then combine the foot with the wood. I choose wood because wood it's like human bone it will never come back if you lost it. Then I caught the bottom part of the foot to fit the wood shape and have the circuit board on top of the foot. Furthermore I changed circuit board color into red because it represents human's arteries. Lastly I put on background and I choose marble because I want the color that is close to human skin and increase texture of the art.

Many people see art differently and it may not be something important to them. But after all the sadness these two pieces of art were the best picture to describe the situation.

Original Materials :

2015年1月19日 星期一

Hi everyone :)

Hi everyone my name is Jordan, Currently I am doing my externship in Taiwan. I like photo shooting the beautiful sight because I can make me calm and relax. Enjoy the night view of Taipei.