2015年3月14日 星期六

Assignment #2 -Art Photograph Vs Press Photograph

The richness differences between wealthy and poor are getting out of control because rich people are getting richer and poor people are getting worst. Especially those countries in Asia, according to the news top 10% of rich people hold about 87% of money in the world. In the fact poor people has to work much harder than rich people because rich people's parent will carry them through the difficulties, it is totally opposite than the poor.

All these art and press photography are from different news and article but they have many common and differences. However they all lead us to the same topic richness gap, in the sociality there were many people did not have a place to stay or food to eat. Ironically, the government only taking care of the rich people because those people can bring them money. But that is only going to make the hold bigger because it is too hard for those people to close up the gap. Therefore these photos are trying to tell everyone how big the gap is and hope the people can help them. The differences between art photographs and press photograph were art photographs were just stating the fact; on the other hand the press photographs were kind of satirizing the rich people by showing the reality. For example Figure 4 they live so closed to each other and it just a wall to separate them. In general the style and the way to deliver the message are different.

Different photographers have a different way to express their thought and idea, moreover there were many photographers are earning money by altering the photo but the ethically photographer should not altering the photos because once you captured the moment you will never go back to the moment and it will be the truest and believable photo. Concluding press photograph is mainly focus on capturing the truth and the reality to deliver the message.

Art photograph is a way to express their mine and imagination with in a piece of paper. For my opinion art photograph is acceptable to alter because each piece of art is their imagination and thought as long as they don’t change the fact. For example if I erase a person off on right hand side, it will still have the same meaning and it can still deliver the same message but if I change the balance dip to the other side then the meaning will be totally different. That's why I said it is acceptable to change as long as it is not changing the fact or message.

Concluding after comparing the Art photograph and press photograph, they are two different type and style of art but they both can deliver same message with different picture and image. Art photograph is more close to express the thought on the other hand press photograph is capturing the reality to convince their audiences. 

Figure 1

Retrieval from "
Figure 2

Retrieval from " http://addisonsky.pixnet.net/blog/post/96217842-%E8%B2%A7%E5%AF%8C%E5%B7%AE%E8%B7%9D%E6%98%AF%E4%BA%BA%E6%80%A7%E9%80%A0%E6%88%90%E7%9A%84%EF%BC%9F"
Figure 3

Retrieval from "

Figure 4

